Heat can cause cardiac failure in dogs. Please leave them in the house where they have air conditioning, shelter, and water.
I was out today and walked by a dog friend who is often left out in their yard. The dog didn’t have any water at all and was panting heavily. I went back and brought some water, which she drank. There is shade in the yard, but at this temperature, it’s not enough protection. The dog is a Golden Retriever, which has a heavier coat and is one of two dogs (the second being Labs) prone to heatstroke.
Sometimes people may not realize that their dog may be in danger and we are seeing very high temperatures that we’re not used to. Please don’t leave your dogs out in the yard, especially without an adequate amount of water that is also in the shade at all times. Water that gets exposed to the sun and heats can lead to serious digestive issues for your dog too. Just don’t leave your dogs out. Bring them into the house.
Please read the article below, which has much more in-depth information. From the article: “Bragdon says an essential point to keep in mind is that a dog’s temperature is higher than a human’s—approximately 101 degrees F to 102.5 degrees F, with an upper level of normal close to 103 degrees F. So ambient air temperature feels hotter to them than it does to us. The College of Veterinary Medicine at Purdue University explains it this way: “The normal range of temperatures at which dogs and other species can maintain their body temperatures without expending energy to increase heat production or heat loss is called the thermoneutral zone (TNZ), and ranges from…68 degrees F to 86 degrees F for dogs. Outside of the TNZ exist the upper and lower critical temperature zones.”
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